
Look Who Finally Got Her Cloak!!

It may have taken me months but I finally have it. Just FYI stopped playing in Sept 2013 and have only been back play since July 2014. And this was not the first toon I decided to play. I had a monk before her and was trying to get the cloak on her but then got bored with her and leveled a few others before saying ok it's time level the hunter. I still have two 85's to level but I been spending what little game time I get on the hunter.


Well At Least She is in Her Crib

KatyBug did two nights in her crib in her room. We left her a movie playing cause that is what she was use to when sleeping with us, that is the time when catch up on the shows or movies that we watch together. Between 3:30am and 4am she would wake up. I would feed her and change her and back to bed. Had no issue, she woke up for the day the same time as always when Daddy left for work or was getting ready for work.
The third night was hell. We put her down and in less then five minutes she was screaming, we would comfort her and give her back the binkie and then back to bed. This went on from 8:30pm to 11pm. Every time it was around five minutes, minus the two times it was 20 minutes. We have no clue why she was doing that and we both needed sleep. So I took her to bed with us, since she out grew her bassinet she was in her pillow. She fussed for 10 minutes and then was out for the night.
The next night Sean agreed to move her crib into our room that it was too much change too fast. She need to be in her crib but still need to be close to mommy and daddy for a little longer. She has been in her crib in our room for a few days and still fusses but once she is asleep she is out like normal. Its not until a few hours before Daddy has to get up for work does she start to fuss over her binkie.

In a few months we will try again with her room. I'm just glad she is in her crib.

Guardians of the Galaxy

My husband has been wanting to see Guardians of the Galaxy since he first heard they were making it. So he made sure to have the babysitter ready for the Friday it hit theaters, which so happened to be one of the days I had to drop him off at work for some reason or another. And while in the car we happened to hear a local critic give his opinion on it. He gave it 6 out of 5. I'm thinking there is no movie out there I would give 6 out of 5 too,  not even my favorites of all time. But he was right, it was a really great movie.
I don't know if the Guardians of the Galaxy was comic or tv show before but it was a movie worth watching. I'm not a Marvel girl, but it seems like they keep putting out some great movies.
I am the type of person that will criticize almost every movie over poor cgi. And I seriously don't have one bad word to say agains any of it. They put a lot of time into getting it perfect and it shows.

All I can say is its perfect and to go watch with your families. Everyone will love it.