For a while know I have had this annoying bug in my ear trying to tell me how to play Jaylyne. I have been playing World of Warcraft since Jan of '06, and all but 7 months of that time I have been playing my hunter. I feel in love with my hunter since I first made her and was sad when I switched to Jazlyne, my Death Knight, during Wrath. Now normally I would welcome others advise about things. But telling me how to do something and offering advise are two different things. When your hunter becomes your main and have played it more then I have Jay then you can tell me what to do, until then keep your mouth shut.
And at first this didn't get to me and I didn't see it as being told what to do. That all changed the night this person started telling me how to spec for a fight... I mean really 5 years and you don't think I know how to spec. I know how to spec and if I can't remember I'll go to WHU, before I let a non-hunter tell me how to spec. And I am such a nice person I didn't say a word but it not only annoyed be but a few others in the raid too.
But this is not what I am pretty much bitching about today. Today's topic is about two crossbows. Everyone knows that the BOE Lava Bolt Crossbow is the way to go right now over BOP Arbalest of Erupting Fury, why? Let me tell you. First off they both have the same speed and damage. Second the difference in Crit is 3pts. Lava Bolt Crossbow has Haste where Arbalest of Erupting Fury has Mastery. No matter what spec you are Mastery is the worst stat you want. When looking at gear you want Agility, Hit, Crit, Haste, and then Mastery. Now this bow is fine if you low on hit and need to reforge but if you not you waste alot of Haste because you had to reforge Mastery for it. And really when it comes to that, that 3 extra Crit isn't worth it.
And for those that want to argue let me get this out there, I am a BM hunter, my mastery increases my pets damage which should be pretty big right. But it's not it actually lowers it by not having that Crit or Haste.
(Right now I'm spec for SV, because I am having alot of frame issue and that causes my DPS to drop even more.)
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