
Why I Love My Dog

(Sorry for not posting for a while. Been extremely busy with hubby on his way home.)

So the other day I went to do all the shopping and all. When I got back I sat in the car for a while and talked to my mom, where Lil'Bit can see me from the living room windows. After a while I decided to feed the pups before going in. Then I decided I was gonna stay out there for a bit and play with them.

I guess Lil'Bit got worried and not seeing me in the car and now where around the house he went to my office window that I have small window unit in to keep it cool, with the air conditioning wanting to work on it's own schedule. Any way, he climb out of it and went looking for me. As I cam around the fence to come inside he came running up to me and I let him in the fence to say hi to his kid and wife and the back inside. Now normally he would have just ran around the neighborhood until I catch him. This time he didn't he went straight to me and the straight to the front door, kinda like saying "Ok, you're alright so let me back in to chase the cat some more."

Since he was being so good I thought I would reward him with his favorite meal, chicken nuggets, so I loaded him up in the car and took him to get some. He behaved the whole way up there and back, I was so proud of him. After he ate his chicken nuggets I let him out of the car and had him follow me to the door to let him in. Normally I would have put him on his leash, but since I didn't grab it before we left I didn't think of it. But he stayed right at my side and went straight to the door and didn't even fight to get in.

And this is why I love my dog. He is my best friend and my guardian.


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