
My Thoughts on Mist of Pandaria, The Next Warcraft Expansion

Ok so the next expansion the Alliance and Horde are back at war with each other trying to gather resources to survive in Azeroth, or so Blizzard says. But I see nothing that says that from what they have announced and shown.

The new complain pet systems seem to be more of a mini game for a smartphone then for something in game.
The new dungeon challenge is great but who really wants to deal with pugs and try for something like this, gearing 5 level 85’s is a pain as is. Now as a guild group this could be really fun, but as a pug group I don’t see it being that fun.

The new talent tree, is well, more balance but I think it is more for making it easier on them then it is for us. They don’t want us to depend on the same build to raid and pvp with, and be just like everyone else. But the one and only question I have is the EXOTIC PETS!! They are in the current BM tree only, with the new talent system that is all gone, so what are we not special anymore and every hunter can tame them and use them no matter what they are!?! It took me years to tame my Loque and I’ll be damn if I’m going into a raid where every hunter has him too when they aren’t even BM.

Last by not least…. pandas….PANDAS!!... FREAKING PANDAS!! Blizzard said themselves that the panda in Warcraft 3 was a joke and it was because they had a designer that loved to draw them. There is no actual lore in the game about the Planarians. So they are shoving all this new lore onto us and the only way we can figure it all out is by actually playing a panda. Now I’m 25 years old and even though I love the Asian theme, but really I’m not 5 and most likely will never play a panda outside of the beta or the beginner area and only to learn the lore. I mean really if I wanted to play Kung Fu Panda I would by the game for the Wii. The only thing I like about them besides the fact that they have the best racials now, is that they are the only race that is playable for both fractions and they start out neutral between the two, at level 10 you choose your fraction.

I hoped and prayed that the rumor about Blizzard trade marking the name “Mist of Pandaria” was just a rumor or for another game. But they said they have wanted to add pandas into Warcraft for 12 years, and they were supposed to be the Alliance race in BC but they didn’t fit. And in truth they still don’t fit to be a playable race even now. Being a race that is just there like the wolvars in Northrend is a better role for them then to be a playable race.

But I am not going to make a big deal about this, unless they actually take back what they said and let Jack Black do the voice over for one of the Panda leaders. Because it will be another year before they even take it to beta, and by then Diablo 3 will be out and I will most likely spend all my time on it. Since I have always loved that game and can’t wait for it to be finished and on my computer. 


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