
What I'm Thankful For

Thanksgiving 2011

Everyone knows Thanksgiving is the time of the year to be thankful for the things you have and for the family that is around you. It is not just for chowing down until you pop the button off you pants. It is also the time to bring family and friends together to have a great time and enjoy each others company.

It has been a long year for me with Sean deploying, Stephanie coming to stay for a few months, my mother-in-law remarrying, Jonni finding out that I have another niece or nephew on the way, Sean coming home for R&R, and the new kitten. Also with Sean coming for good, well at least til they deploy him again, in just a few days, I have a lot to be thankful for this year.

I am thankful for my wonderful family and great in-laws. My family has always supported me in everything I do, and there are very few people that can say they actually like their in-laws.

I am thankful for my husband. We may argue and not always get along but when it comes down to it I would rather have him beside me then anyone else.

I am thankful for my pets. They keep from being lonely and warm at night when Sean isn't here.

I am thankful for the roof over my head and the floor under my feet. I am thankful for the car that is in my drive way.

I am thankful for really everything in my life.

Even though I didn't really do anything for Thanksgiving this year. I tried to join in with my family in Texas with Skype, but that didn't work out on. The issue was their end and not mine. And I don't have any plans to go to any crazy sales for Black Friday. Instead I will be prepping the house for Sean's return.  


Squidoo Lens: Keeping Your Cat Healthy During the Winter & Holidays

My mother has been doing this for sometime and has made a little bit of money off it. So I figured I could do a couple of articles a week and earn a bit of extra money to play with, while I'm looking for a job. Which if anyone has anything open, I will babysit, clean, do any design work or just simply write articles for you please email me.

Anyway I have be researching a couple of articles and just finish posting my third one, Keeping Your Cat Healthy During the Winter & Holiday, and wanted you guy's opinion on it. I know I'm not the best writer but I think I'm pretty decent. This is the first lens I choice to give to a charity, so lets see how it goes.

The next lens I am will be writing is about dog health during the winter.


By Myself Again

My sister, Stephanie will be heading back to Texas on Wednesday. Which means I will be alone for a couple of weeks before Sean gets home.

Her friend was planning on doing the trip in December so that Steph could spend Christmas with me and Sean. But the friend recently was in a wreck (she was unharmed) and was but on leave for a while and will most likely won't be able to get off next month to do the trip. So she will be leaving Monday to make the trip here.

Everyone keeps asking her if she's told me yet and how'd I'd taken it. Yea I'm a little sad to see her go but it's not like I wanted her to stay forever either. And with Sean being home a lot earlier then he going to be it really doesn't bother me. I just wish they all would stop saying that I'm just making excuses for not going to visit. Or say it was my choice to live this far away and that I'm hard headed about it.

I have bills just like the rest of them do, if not more since I am the only one to actually have a house. On top of that Steph was here that someone was here to watch the animals while I was away, but then some plans of her own about taking my car to pick up some boy came to light. So how was able to leave if the person I was trusting my animals with couldn't be trusted.

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Still Job Hunting

So I have been job hunting for a while. Sean gave me two weeks to get one or quit school. And in truth I will not quit school even if I don't find one soon. One, I still have two months on my chapter 30 gibill. And I just found out once that is up I can apply for a chapter 33 gibill. Which will give another year.

Only bad thing about the chapter 33 is that they send the money straight to the school and will only pay for a percentage of it since I just have around 2 years into the military. They will still send me something for books and software.

But I'm still looking tomorrow I will be putting more applications around the mall and on post. If I still don't get any bites I'm going to start to advertise on Craig's list.

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