
Squidoo Lens: Keeping Your Cat Healthy During the Winter & Holidays

My mother has been doing this for sometime and has made a little bit of money off it. So I figured I could do a couple of articles a week and earn a bit of extra money to play with, while I'm looking for a job. Which if anyone has anything open, I will babysit, clean, do any design work or just simply write articles for you please email me.

Anyway I have be researching a couple of articles and just finish posting my third one, Keeping Your Cat Healthy During the Winter & Holiday, and wanted you guy's opinion on it. I know I'm not the best writer but I think I'm pretty decent. This is the first lens I choice to give to a charity, so lets see how it goes.

The next lens I am will be writing is about dog health during the winter.

1 comment:

  1. The link isn't working sis, when I click it I land on my own dashboard not your article.
