So it’s been a while since my last post. Things have been either busy or nothing is really going on. As most know Sean is home and he got back at the end of November, so there has been some adjusting to get use too.
Let see what first. I did all my Christmas shopping right after Thanksgiving and got them shipped, well all but the in-laws. I thought we would visit them on Christmas, but Sean set up a video chat up the guys down range and the families back here. That was a bust, only one family showed, which was really sad but worth it at the same time. Only had one gift go missing in the mail, which was a drawing I was working on of my sister and her daughter, Ally.
The new raid patch hit wow a while back and I officially switched from Jaylyne (the hunter) to Raylyne (the rogue). A lot of debate when around about the daggers and in the end me and the pally that switched to his rogue right before me were decided to get them first, since we run two ten mans a week instead of 25 mans. Since we started having an issue with numbers but we’ve only lost 2-3 people. Oh and the lock we gave our legendary staff too left 2 days later without saying a word.
I’m still looking for a job, haven’t had any call backs yet, and the little 5 dollar things aren’t really pulling anything in. So with Sean being home and with the way he spends money things have been tight for us lately. We were gonna go to the in-laws for New Years but we are barely gonna get by this half with just being able to pay his phone and gas for him to get to work. Good news is there a couple new buildings going up near us which means more jobs and hopefully I can snag one.
School is still a hassle, but it’s mainly my fault for not doing the amount of studying I need too and saving my work for the last minute. With the changes to the GI Bill it’s been really confusing when they are going to come in and when it’s gonna end so I can start the other one. I did find out I will have my degree by the Summer of 2013.
And the last thing is Tiger is missing. He was let out by Sean around Christmas day and hasn’t return. With the weather and his age along with the fact two years ago around this time we lost Mouse, he got out and just never came home, we are starting to worry about him. We walked the neighbor hood and put up posters, along with calling the animal shelters that are near us, and so far nothing. We have been putting food out for him and for the past two days the food has been eaten but no Tiger waiting to get in and no signs of any other animal. I’m guess that it was Tiger since Lil’Bit hasn’t went crazy at the front window, which he does even if another animal runs across the yard, or when the pups outside start to bark.
Hopefully with the new year starting things will get better, Tiger will come home, I will get a job, and my grades will improve.
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