I received my BETA key for World of Warcraft's new expansion, Mist of Pandaria, a couple of weeks ago. I logged in long enough to create two premade characters and transfer two of my characters over. But according to my mother, I haven't really given the BETA a fair shot. So yesterday I made a fresh female panda hunter and ran through the starter area.
I've said it once and I'll say it many more times, PANDAS HAVE NO BUSINESS IN WOW!! You can argue with me all you want, but the facts are facts. Fact: Blizzard used them as April Fool's pranks. Fact: THERE IS NO LORE ABOUT PANDAS.
I was a dedicate WoW player up 'til a couple of months ago when I got screwed over by my guild of two years and then the new guild I joined two months before, and let's face it, if your not raiding your not having fun. I started playing in 2007 at the start of Burning Crusade, and within the year Sean was playing and we both were in a hardcore raiding guild. I'm getting a little bit off topic here, but I'm just pointing out I'm not some noob that thinks they know everything about WoW having only played only a couple of months.
From the moment I logged on and started creating this .. panda all I could thing about was "I'M NOT FIVE YEARS OLD!!" Every bit of it, from creating the character to playing through the starter area I was annoyed, bored, and angry with how childish it all was. The whole area is nothing but Kung Fu Panda and I can't stand Jack Black. The story line was like it was started out of one of the movies, which made it even more disappointing to play.
I will do as my mother ask me and save my decision to either continue or stop playing after I play through the new starter areas and reach 90.
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