
Nintendo 3Ds Thoughts

I just upgraded my Nintendo Dsi to a Nintendo 3Ds a couple of weeks ago. There are defiantly somethings I don't like about it and some that I love.

I never really had a issue with my Dsi, it was way better then the original Ds that I had for years, but I wanted to play that new Kid Icarus game. The 3Ds setup is similar to the Dsi, a bit faster but just as sleek. The menu is nicer, with being able to change it from a single line of addons to two rolls or addons, so no more long hunts for the one app I'm looking for. 

Also the actual 3D feature is a bit annoying and starts to give me a headache after a while, so I normally just leave it off. The graphics are great, better then the Dsi but not as great as the PsP Vita. And  the Ds games don't fit the 3Ds's screen, which is a little wider then the Dsi's screen. But I still kinda miss being able to play my Game Boy Advance games on it, and kinda glad I still have the original for them. 

I don't really play it that much but then I didn't really play the others, Warcraft kinda took up all my time. With out it I think I'll finally find more time to play it.


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