
Update: October

So I realize that it has been several months since I have posted anything to my blog, for that I am sorry, things have been kinda busy and keeping it updated wasn't a priority. But I have found the time to start updating once again, but it may not be as often as it was in the past. So here is a bit of whats been going on over the past couple of months.

Well first, Sean will be getting out of the Army in the upcoming months and things are a little stressed over what is going to happen when he gets out. We are both praying that he gets the job he wants, which will take him back over seas for almost two years. I'm not thrilled about how long he'll be gone, but it's what he wants and I'm actually kinda ready for him to go back too.

Second, I have been spending more time focusing on my school to improve my grades, but you wouldn't be able to tell at the moment with my current grade in Economics, I'm just not that great of a test taker. But my skills have been improving in Photoshop and Illustrator, along with the grades of my assignments and projects. I have also been self teaching myself how to digital paint and draw on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, which I recently got and lot.

Third, I have been spending more time as a housewife, wanting to limit as much stress as possible with everything that's going on and wanting to focus more on myself and my health, which you can never do too much of.

There have also been other things mixed into the bunch but these are the main reasons or excuses, but whatever the reason its time to get things back on track.


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