
Dippy, We Will Miss You!

On Sunday we lost a member of our family. She was only 4 years old and we loved her very much. On Tuesday she was chased by a dog and cornered. Dippy is a very small cat, at full grown she is no bigger then a  6 month old kitten. Her little heart couldn't handle it and caused a blood  clot to go to her brain. We will miss  her very much but we are thankful for the time we did get to spend with her.
Dippy came into our lives when my husband found her at work and rescued her. He brought her home and Lil'Bit and Tiger automatically went into parent mode and started taking care of  her. She would sit on Sean's shoulders as  he sat at his computer and played video games. And she would either curl up next to me or laid on top of me when we took naps together. She was a very special animal and nothing would ever be able to replace her in our hearts. 



If found this posted on facebook and thought it sound like a good idea so the next time I'm at work I'm gonna grab the stuff for one or two of these and test them out. 

Yes another post abut water lol. But if you really want to cleanse then DRINK, DRINK, DRINK. Here are 8 home made vitamin water recipes to help you keep the water flowing!

As a rule, you should try to avoid as much as possible industrial food and beverages

1) The classical : lemon/cucumber:
Mix in a pitcher: 10 cups of water + 1 cucumber and a lemon, thinly sliced + 1/4 cup fresh finely chopped basil leaf + 1/3 of finely chopped fresh mint leaves. Leave in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

2) The granite : Strawberry/Lime or Raspberry/Lime
Mix in a pitcher : 10 cups of water + 6 strawberries / 0r Raspberries and one thinly sliced lime + 12 finely chopped fresh mint leaves. Leave in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

3) The digestive : Fennel/citrus
First: infuse 1 to 3 grams of dried and crushed fennel in 150 ml of boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Allow to cool.
Mix in a pitcher: 10 cups of water + lemon juice (put the leftover lemon in the mix) + a small thinly sliced orange + 12 fresh chopped mint leaves + the infusion of fennel seeds. Leave in refrigerator overnight before serving.

4) The antiOX : Blackberry/Sage
Note that a part from the berries, sage leafs is the herb that has the highest antioxidant content.
Mix in a pitcher : 10 cups of water + 1 cup of blackberries that have been very slightly crushed + 3-4 sage leaves. Leave in refrigerator overnight before serving.

5) WATERmelon : watermelon/Rosemary
Mix in a pitcher : 10 cups of water + 1 cup of watermelon cut into cubes + 2 rosemary stems. Leave in refrigerator overnight before serving.

6) The exotic : Pineapple/Mint
Mix in a pitcher : 10 cups of water + 1 cup of pineapple cut into cubes + 12 fresh mint leaves finely chopped. Leave in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

7) The traditional : Appel/cinnamon
Mix in a pitcher : 10 cups of water + 1 cup of apple cut into cubes + 2 cinnamon sticks + 2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Leave in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

8.) The zingibir : Ginger/tea
In advance: heat 1 teaspoon of ginger in two cups of tea, let it cool down.

Mix in a pitcher: 10 cups of water with two cups of the ginger tea + 4-5 pieces of fresh ginger cut into cubes. Leave in the refrigerator overnight before serving.


Sore Aching Feet

Besides kicking back and giving your feet a rest, here are some remedies that can help ease the ache and rejuvenate tired feet:
1. Moist Heat - Sometimes aching feet are simply the result of overstressed muscles and connective tissue due to excess activity or weight-bearing. One of the best remedies for relaxing sore muscles is a foot bath. Soak your feet in a basin of warm water or in a store-bought foot spa for 5-10 minutes. Try adding epsom salts to the water for an added soothing effect. Epsom salts are readily available where first aid products are sold. Use approximately 1-2 tablespoons per gallon of warm water. If your feet are swollen, hot, or tired, use cool water instead of warm and elevate your feet for a half hour or more after the soak.
2. Stretch - Overstressed muscles will tend to contract or spasm. To counteract this tightness, stretch your feet. A good time to stretch is after warm soak, when muscles will be relaxed. Sit in a comfortable position and stretch the ankle and toe joints using your hands or a strap. To also target the calf muscles, try a runner's stretch while leaning against a wall. Hold each motion comfortably for 10-20 seconds for maximal benefit.
3. Massage - Apply oil or lotion to the soles and massage while applying gentle thumb pressure to any sore areas of the feet. Focus on the plantar fascia, the prominent cord-like structure that runs the length of the arch, from the ball of the foot to the heel. You can best feel it on the sole of your foot when you flex your toes upward. The plantar fascia is an important anatomical structure because it helps give form and support to the arch, which is necessary for absorbing shock when our feet hit the ground. Tightness of the plantar fascia can often be a root cause of heel soreness. Another easier way to massage the feet is by using wooden foot roller or a foot spa with built-in massage.
4. Arch Supports - Try a pair of store bought arch supports for your shoes. Arch supports will help decrease the shock that your feet experience with every step. The heel and ball of the foot are especially prone to soreness and full-length arch supports will help cushion these areas. Custom-made orthotics offer even more support for the feet and have the added benefit of accommodating specific foot problems.
5. Check Your Shoes - Identify which shoes may be contributing to the soreness. Switching to running shoes or shoes with a stiffer sole may help. Even sandals come in styles that cradle the arch and have a slightly thicker sole, which is preferable. Also, if your shoes have excess wear and tear they may be contributing to your sore feet. Worn out soles can change the dynamic of how your feet hit the ground, thus throwing off your biomechanics. Since shoes that are too tight or too loose can lead to soreness and fatigue, have your feet measured the next time you buy shoes. You may be surprised to find out that you were wearing an incorrect shoe size.
From About.com


Why I Hate My New Job.

1.       The lack of training.
2.       The lack of organization.
3.       They expect you to know where everything is your first night there.
4.       Everyone gets annoyed when you as for help or where something is.
5.       They expect you to work at the same speed as everyone that has been there for years.
6.       Thinking your almost done then getting told that there is still more back there for you when it’s less than an hour before you get to go home.
7.       Having to walk to the front of the store every time you need to use the restroom because the ones in the back are pad locked and there are no employee restrooms.
8.       Wasting your entire 15 min. break just to go to the restroom.
9.       Not getting to take your entire 15 min. break because you still have a pallet as tall as you still out on the floor.