
Dippy, We Will Miss You!

On Sunday we lost a member of our family. She was only 4 years old and we loved her very much. On Tuesday she was chased by a dog and cornered. Dippy is a very small cat, at full grown she is no bigger then a  6 month old kitten. Her little heart couldn't handle it and caused a blood  clot to go to her brain. We will miss  her very much but we are thankful for the time we did get to spend with her.
Dippy came into our lives when my husband found her at work and rescued her. He brought her home and Lil'Bit and Tiger automatically went into parent mode and started taking care of  her. She would sit on Sean's shoulders as  he sat at his computer and played video games. And she would either curl up next to me or laid on top of me when we took naps together. She was a very special animal and nothing would ever be able to replace her in our hearts. 


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