
What I'm Thankful For

Thanksgiving 2011

Everyone knows Thanksgiving is the time of the year to be thankful for the things you have and for the family that is around you. It is not just for chowing down until you pop the button off you pants. It is also the time to bring family and friends together to have a great time and enjoy each others company.

It has been a long year for me with Sean deploying, Stephanie coming to stay for a few months, my mother-in-law remarrying, Jonni finding out that I have another niece or nephew on the way, Sean coming home for R&R, and the new kitten. Also with Sean coming for good, well at least til they deploy him again, in just a few days, I have a lot to be thankful for this year.

I am thankful for my wonderful family and great in-laws. My family has always supported me in everything I do, and there are very few people that can say they actually like their in-laws.

I am thankful for my husband. We may argue and not always get along but when it comes down to it I would rather have him beside me then anyone else.

I am thankful for my pets. They keep from being lonely and warm at night when Sean isn't here.

I am thankful for the roof over my head and the floor under my feet. I am thankful for the car that is in my drive way.

I am thankful for really everything in my life.

Even though I didn't really do anything for Thanksgiving this year. I tried to join in with my family in Texas with Skype, but that didn't work out on. The issue was their end and not mine. And I don't have any plans to go to any crazy sales for Black Friday. Instead I will be prepping the house for Sean's return.  


Squidoo Lens: Keeping Your Cat Healthy During the Winter & Holidays

My mother has been doing this for sometime and has made a little bit of money off it. So I figured I could do a couple of articles a week and earn a bit of extra money to play with, while I'm looking for a job. Which if anyone has anything open, I will babysit, clean, do any design work or just simply write articles for you please email me.

Anyway I have be researching a couple of articles and just finish posting my third one, Keeping Your Cat Healthy During the Winter & Holiday, and wanted you guy's opinion on it. I know I'm not the best writer but I think I'm pretty decent. This is the first lens I choice to give to a charity, so lets see how it goes.

The next lens I am will be writing is about dog health during the winter.


By Myself Again

My sister, Stephanie will be heading back to Texas on Wednesday. Which means I will be alone for a couple of weeks before Sean gets home.

Her friend was planning on doing the trip in December so that Steph could spend Christmas with me and Sean. But the friend recently was in a wreck (she was unharmed) and was but on leave for a while and will most likely won't be able to get off next month to do the trip. So she will be leaving Monday to make the trip here.

Everyone keeps asking her if she's told me yet and how'd I'd taken it. Yea I'm a little sad to see her go but it's not like I wanted her to stay forever either. And with Sean being home a lot earlier then he going to be it really doesn't bother me. I just wish they all would stop saying that I'm just making excuses for not going to visit. Or say it was my choice to live this far away and that I'm hard headed about it.

I have bills just like the rest of them do, if not more since I am the only one to actually have a house. On top of that Steph was here that someone was here to watch the animals while I was away, but then some plans of her own about taking my car to pick up some boy came to light. So how was able to leave if the person I was trusting my animals with couldn't be trusted.

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Still Job Hunting

So I have been job hunting for a while. Sean gave me two weeks to get one or quit school. And in truth I will not quit school even if I don't find one soon. One, I still have two months on my chapter 30 gibill. And I just found out once that is up I can apply for a chapter 33 gibill. Which will give another year.

Only bad thing about the chapter 33 is that they send the money straight to the school and will only pay for a percentage of it since I just have around 2 years into the military. They will still send me something for books and software.

But I'm still looking tomorrow I will be putting more applications around the mall and on post. If I still don't get any bites I'm going to start to advertise on Craig's list.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Get a Job or Quit School

So a lot of things have been happening and I’ve been very busy the past couple of days. My Gi Bill ends this year, but we started the paper work to transfer Sean’s Gi Bill over to me. But it wasn’t approved. They said he has to have served 6 years and re-enlist for 4 years. He has served 6 years and a couple of years ago he had re-enlist for 4 years. But they claim he has to re-enlist for another 4 to transfer the benefits. For some reason this just sounds like a load of BS.

So now I have the option of quit school or get a job. I have been trying to find a job off and on for 5 years. And I am about 2 years from finishing my BA, so no matter what I’m not quitting. There will be no point to just give up now.

And once again I’m back out hitting the pavement and filling out applications to find a job. It’s to pay of my classes so I’m fine with losing a couple of hours of my WoW to do it. Going to be a pain to keep my raiding schedule until I get use to the work schedule. Along with finding the time to do my school work, but I will just have to put that over the game for a while.


It's Always Nice To Be Ignored

So I took a break from WoW while Sean was back home in September. Before I left I talked to the GM about switching to my Rogue so that we had a Rogue that could make every raid.

I have been geared and ready to raid for two weeks, was just missing epic shoulders and the enchants. Well I had talked to the GM about her starting raiding without the shoulders as long as I was enchanted, he said it was fine.

Well, on Monday I finished her enchants, even dipped into my 10k savings for her legendary daggers, just be able to raid that night. Well I waited and waited and never got an invite. I saw people start going into Firelands and thought well maybe he’s going to whisper me and let me in on Tuesday. Raid starts at 7pm so I wait and I wait, 7:30, 29 people on and didn’t even get a whisper. So glad I waited just to waste my time.
So tonight I’m sitting here, waiting and waiting. 7pm comes along and no invite and no word. I’m sitting in vent waiting to hear anything, anything at all, and nothing. So I wait a little more, then I see people in Firelands and switching vent channels. I see the second group forming and I know for sure they are the group going into Heroic Firelands, switch I wasn’t even going to bother to even try to get in, but still no word, not even an “invites going out” in guild chat.

Really nice that I wasted my time to do all this just to be ignored. So yea I’m a little ticked off about this. The least I can get after he said I can start going and after I let him know I was enchanted to go this week, is freaking whisper letting me know that I’m not and a reason. 


Paranormal Activity 3 Review

I’m going to first give you the entire link to the trailer, so you see the movie that I wanted to go see.

Now what the trailer shows it was I wanted to see, I wanted the answers it promise us, but that is not the movie I watched in theaters. I went in hoping to see this movie and get answers; I left after watching a different movie and having more questions.

They start off just like the trailer, trying to figure what is happening around the house and if Kristy’s imaginary friend is causing it. Of course the mom doesn’t want to believe and is only convinced when she leaves the kitchen then walks back in to find everything sticking to the ceiling and then just suddenly drops to the floor. Well now that it finally has mom’s attention they all run off to grandma’s house.

Now at grandma’s house is where the crazy crap starts to happen that leads to the end of the movie. Well the boyfriend is running around the house trying to find the girls and running away from the demon. Well while running around grandma’ s house he finds witchcraft markings on the walls, the mother is thrown at him from the stairs, Katy’s face is processed by the demon, and he also runs into these people that are dress in black robes and start a huge bomb fire outside the house. The movie ends with the boyfriend being killed by the demon and the grandma takes the girls upstairs, with Kristy calling for Toby, the demon.

So what happened to the fire that burned everything down that was mention in the first two movies? And what really was going on with grandma? Over all it you want to be scared there are some good parts, but if you’re looking for the answers that were promised you won’t find them.

I really wish that movies would actually tell us what were getting in the trailer instead of leaving us scratching our head saying “Ugh, that wasn’t the movie advertised!” Really it’s false advertisement. 

Return to Labyrinth

The other day Steph and I were walking around Barnes & Nobles, looking for the Charmed comics. We didn’t find them. Instead we found another series that we didn’t think existed.

Jim Henson’s Return to Labyrinth four vol. series. They only had number 2 & 3 but we ordered 1 & 4 from Amazon. The first came out in August of 2006, so I’m wondering how didn’t I know this or even how didn’t my mother know this, and maybe one day I will let her borrow them.


My Thoughts on Mist of Pandaria, The Next Warcraft Expansion

Ok so the next expansion the Alliance and Horde are back at war with each other trying to gather resources to survive in Azeroth, or so Blizzard says. But I see nothing that says that from what they have announced and shown.

The new complain pet systems seem to be more of a mini game for a smartphone then for something in game.
The new dungeon challenge is great but who really wants to deal with pugs and try for something like this, gearing 5 level 85’s is a pain as is. Now as a guild group this could be really fun, but as a pug group I don’t see it being that fun.

The new talent tree, is well, more balance but I think it is more for making it easier on them then it is for us. They don’t want us to depend on the same build to raid and pvp with, and be just like everyone else. But the one and only question I have is the EXOTIC PETS!! They are in the current BM tree only, with the new talent system that is all gone, so what are we not special anymore and every hunter can tame them and use them no matter what they are!?! It took me years to tame my Loque and I’ll be damn if I’m going into a raid where every hunter has him too when they aren’t even BM.

Last by not least…. pandas….PANDAS!!... FREAKING PANDAS!! Blizzard said themselves that the panda in Warcraft 3 was a joke and it was because they had a designer that loved to draw them. There is no actual lore in the game about the Planarians. So they are shoving all this new lore onto us and the only way we can figure it all out is by actually playing a panda. Now I’m 25 years old and even though I love the Asian theme, but really I’m not 5 and most likely will never play a panda outside of the beta or the beginner area and only to learn the lore. I mean really if I wanted to play Kung Fu Panda I would by the game for the Wii. The only thing I like about them besides the fact that they have the best racials now, is that they are the only race that is playable for both fractions and they start out neutral between the two, at level 10 you choose your fraction.

I hoped and prayed that the rumor about Blizzard trade marking the name “Mist of Pandaria” was just a rumor or for another game. But they said they have wanted to add pandas into Warcraft for 12 years, and they were supposed to be the Alliance race in BC but they didn’t fit. And in truth they still don’t fit to be a playable race even now. Being a race that is just there like the wolvars in Northrend is a better role for them then to be a playable race.

But I am not going to make a big deal about this, unless they actually take back what they said and let Jack Black do the voice over for one of the Panda leaders. Because it will be another year before they even take it to beta, and by then Diablo 3 will be out and I will most likely spend all my time on it. Since I have always loved that game and can’t wait for it to be finished and on my computer. 


Been A Very Busy Month

This month has been really busy for me. Fist Sean came home for his R&R, which btw was the first time in his 4 deployments. And then we completely cleaned the garage, which still had boxes full of stuff from where we moved in here 3 years ago. And then we had to set up a guest room for my baby sis, Steph, to stay with us while Sean is gone and she tries to figure out what’s going on with her life. Not only that but I have been working off and on, on my final project for this graphic design class that I am in, which is due today, and I still have a lot of work to get done on it.

My two weeks with Sean was great and I loved every min of it. He would get up early and stay up late to play his little alt Rogue before I got up and cooked and we started cleaning. Btw my husband isn’t one of those WoW addicts that level alts, he spends all his time on his main, Dlog (85 Worgen Rogue). We went and got the car done; he talked me into letting him get a tablet so he won’t have to take his laptop through security, there is a really funny story to this. He also wanted to go to the movies a couple of times and out to eat. But the best night we had together was the one right before he left where we went to the fair; my sis was here for that too.  He left the 21st.

My sister got her the 19th, she was originally going to be here til Sean got back and spend most of her husband’s deployment here so she didn’t have to deal with his family. But then he pulled something and she was talking divorce, but now he claims he doesn’t want a divorce and wants her back. But he won’t emit to doing anything wrong, even though she has proof. I could understand them getting back together if he would just emit to the wrong and apologize so that they can take a step forward. But as long as he is not willing to do that then there is no reason to take that step. Of course it won’t mean much if someone has to tell him.

Now that Sean is gone and my sis is settled in post will become more regular again. 


Why I Love My Dog

(Sorry for not posting for a while. Been extremely busy with hubby on his way home.)

So the other day I went to do all the shopping and all. When I got back I sat in the car for a while and talked to my mom, where Lil'Bit can see me from the living room windows. After a while I decided to feed the pups before going in. Then I decided I was gonna stay out there for a bit and play with them.

I guess Lil'Bit got worried and not seeing me in the car and now where around the house he went to my office window that I have small window unit in to keep it cool, with the air conditioning wanting to work on it's own schedule. Any way, he climb out of it and went looking for me. As I cam around the fence to come inside he came running up to me and I let him in the fence to say hi to his kid and wife and the back inside. Now normally he would have just ran around the neighborhood until I catch him. This time he didn't he went straight to me and the straight to the front door, kinda like saying "Ok, you're alright so let me back in to chase the cat some more."

Since he was being so good I thought I would reward him with his favorite meal, chicken nuggets, so I loaded him up in the car and took him to get some. He behaved the whole way up there and back, I was so proud of him. After he ate his chicken nuggets I let him out of the car and had him follow me to the door to let him in. Normally I would have put him on his leash, but since I didn't grab it before we left I didn't think of it. But he stayed right at my side and went straight to the door and didn't even fight to get in.

And this is why I love my dog. He is my best friend and my guardian.


Why Get Married In The First Place?!?

So I mention before how my sister’s in-laws are pretty much the in-laws everyone fears they will get. I was lucky my in-laws are really great. But this isn’t about me it’s about my baby sister, Stephanie. She married not long ago and within the first couple of months Tom, her husband, cheats on her. Now I don’t care what she says or everyone else, if he cheated on her so soon then he should have never married her and she need to leave him.

So I get a text message from her today and she wants to know what should she do, and she started to tell me how she is watching him as he and his ex’s mom are talking about how he is going to do something to screw up the marriage and go back to her daughter. Now this is the same girl he cheated on her with at the beginning of the marriage. I told her once again to cut her loses, that he isn’t worth it. He never stuck up for her and told her that he wasn’t going to send her a damn dime while he is deployed because she moved their stuff out of his mother’s house, who was already going to kick her out the moment he left for training.

She tools screenshots of it all and I’m reading it all and I see a part that the mom wrote saying that Steph said something about her daughter and Tom’s reply was something along the lines of no one talks about the people he cares about. But yet he married Steph but yet he doesn’t care about her enough to stand up for her, but will for this other girl. Now if that isn’t a red flag what is. I didn’t even need to read the part where a divorce was mention. And the funniest thing about this was at the beginning he tells her that his wife might ask about these messages and to ignore her. So what does that tell you? He isn’t worth the time to even cry for.

Girls who stay with guys like this get on my nerves. If he loved you and he wanted to be with you, really wanted to be with you, then he would never have done it. I thank god everyday for finding someone as great as my husband, Sean, and I pray that my sisters find someone just as great. 


Hurricane Irene: Update

So the hurricane came and went. I did alot of damage around the coast and some flooding other places. But when it came to my area all that happened was a bit of heavy wind and some light showers here and there. So just to let everyone know I am fine, the animal are fine, and yes I have power still. I'm praying for those that got hit the hardest, hope it weakens more before it moves on up the coast.


Hurricane Irene

So, I live in North Carolina, near Ft. Bragg and Fayetteville. And I have been watching the progression of this hurricane for a while to see how much of it I was going to see. As the reports keep coming in it seems that at most I will see winds at almost 50 and alot of rain with the possibility of tornadoes. I will be keeping everyone updated to keep them from worrying about me being home alone with 3 dogs and 2 cats. I already have a plan for if it gets too bad and things are prep for it. 

I am praying the power will not go out but I know it will and I just hope it comes back up soon after. I have everything charging and ready. Even have a battery back up for the computer, modem, phone, and tv. So I will still be able to stay on about 30 min. But by then I will be using the laptop and just leave the tv on it so it doesn't drain fast. 

If you would to keep up with it too here is the local news station's site: WRAL 14


Don't Tell ME How To Play MY Hunter!

For a while know I have had this annoying bug in my ear trying to tell me how to play Jaylyne. I have been playing World of Warcraft since Jan of '06, and all but 7 months of that time I have been playing my hunter. I feel in love with my hunter since I first made her and was sad when I switched to Jazlyne, my Death Knight, during Wrath. Now normally I would welcome others advise about things. But telling me how to do something and offering advise are two different things. When your hunter becomes your main and have played it more then I have Jay then you can tell me what to do, until then keep your mouth shut.

And at first this didn't get to me and I didn't see it as being told what to do. That all changed the night this person started telling me how to spec for a fight... I mean really 5 years and you don't think I know how to spec. I know how to spec and if I can't remember I'll go to WHU, before I let a non-hunter tell me how to spec. And I am such a nice person I didn't say a word but it not only annoyed be but a few others in the raid too.

But this is not what I am pretty much bitching about today. Today's topic is about two crossbows. Everyone knows that the BOE Lava Bolt Crossbow is the way to go right now over BOP Arbalest of Erupting Fury, why? Let me tell you. First off they both have the same speed and damage. Second the difference in Crit is 3pts. Lava Bolt Crossbow has Haste where Arbalest of Erupting Fury has Mastery. No matter what spec you are Mastery is the worst stat you want. When looking at gear you want Agility, Hit, Crit, Haste, and then Mastery. Now this bow is fine if you low on hit and need to reforge but if you not you waste alot of Haste because you had to reforge Mastery for it. And really when it comes to that, that 3 extra Crit isn't worth it.

And for those that want to argue let me get this out there, I am a BM hunter, my mastery increases my pets damage which should be pretty big right. But it's not it actually lowers it by not having that Crit or Haste.

(Right now I'm spec for SV, because I am having alot of frame issue and that causes my DPS to drop even more.)

Music to Calm the Soul

So life has been well a disaster area for the past couple of days. My so call uncle is wishing my mother death, guess he will never grow up. Then I learn he is sleeping with someone I have called a sister since I was about 10. And on top of that my baby sister is getting hell from her in-laws and the same so called sister. I'm really just ashamed of sharing the same blood as my uncle, and disgusted that I ever called her a sister. Well I'm trying to help my baby sis get away from the hell that has been created for her by the in-laws. She will be leaving in three weeks to come stay with me for a while so that I can finally go back to Texas and visit family and not have to pay too much for the animals and not have to worry about them, which I'm going to do no matter what. Their my kids.

But things aren't all bad. Sean will be home soon for two weeks, and I can't wait, feels like a year since he left. I know his cat Dip will be very welcoming, might and figure a way to sneak her back with him.

Anyway with all the stress that is going on the best way to calm yourself is with music, and I happened to actually logon to MySpace and found this new band that their debut album just hit stores and fell in love with the first song I heard, and rushed off to iTunes to get it. Icon For Hire, they sound alot like Paramore but I think her voice is better and the lyrics too.